Making A Run For Libraries, And More

Good day all,

In an attempt to get our ebooks into libraries, we have started the process of signing up with OverDrive. While we are unsure what it will take to get all of our books into the hands of you readers at your favorite borrowing establishment, we are doing what we can to make it happen.

OverDrive seems to be the go-to for libraries, but if you would like to borrow our books while we attempt to set things up there, please let your librarians know that we also have available to them two other library services provided by Library Direct, and Baker&Taylor Axis 360.

Next, for you Sony fans, we are in process of going direct-to-Sony. While they are still available through Smashwords, this will give us better control to get your the most up-to-date pricing and revisions (if need be).

Lastly, for you audiobook lovers, The Vatican Knights by Rick Jones is nearly complete! We hope to have it for sale through ACX, Amazon, and iTunes in early September. The Crypts of Eden is also in the works, hopefully for October.

Thanks for your time and happy reading/listening!

Looking For .99c Treasures?

If you are looking for a few .99c titles to fill your e-readers, look no further! Through the 27th Vatican Knights (political/action/adventure/military) by Rick Jones has been discounted two dollars. Also equally discounted, The Pharos Objective (supernatural/archaeology/action/adventure) by David Sakmyster through August 13th.

OH, and don’t forget Frozen by Rachelle Bronson! A 10k word short story that may make you second guess going to bed tonight.

Frozen, A Short Story of Horror

Direct To Kobo

Hey readers,

While our books were previously available to you Kobo folks via Smashwords, we have recently decided to go direct-to-Kobo. If you have not had the opportunity yet to read a Hive title, please take this chance – we even have a few $.99 titles like The Chronicles of Anaedor: The Prophecies and Pandora’s Ark.

Thanks for reading! Buzz you later.

Ebooks To Ravage, And Other News

The turn of the year has been exciting for The HIVE. The last two books of the Anaedor Young Adult Fantasy series have gone live (print books to come soon) with an amazing pricing structure, the fourth book in the Vatican Knights series, Pandora’s Ark, is a smash success, four books from renowned author K.W. Jeter are nearly ready to go on sale (Kim Oh series), another great thriller from Rick Jones is nearly ready for upload in Familiar Stranger, and a short horror tale, Frozen, from Rachelle Bronson (The Novel Blog) is going through some edits as we speak. Did you have to come up for air on that one? I know I did.

So, what is in the future for The HIVE? That is a great question! Two more books in The Tombs of Eden series, another in the Vatican Knights series, and potentially more in the Kim Oh series.

Please do not forget to review the titles you feel made an impact on you. The time you spend doing this makes an impact on the author, their writing, and their future.

Do you have something to say? We would love to hear from you. What have you been reading in the past few months? What soundtrack are you currently writing to? When do you have time to read? Fill in the blank —–.