Direct To Kobo

Hey readers,

While our books were previously available to you Kobo folks via Smashwords, we have recently decided to go direct-to-Kobo. If you have not had the opportunity yet to read a Hive title, please take this chance – we even have a few $.99 titles like The Chronicles of Anaedor: The Prophecies and Pandora’s Ark.

Thanks for reading! Buzz you later.

Our Hearts Go Out

All of us at Hive would like to send our prayers and thoughts to the city of Boston regarding the tragedy. Be mindful though, keep your focus on those affected and let the offenders names, positions, and other crimes fall off the edge of the Earth into oblivion after they have been found.

Often you read books to remove yourself from real-life situations, many times images flash in our minds mimicking scenes like what we saw on the internet or television in the pages of thrillers and suspense novels. Normally though we focus on the violence and heinous acts in the books we read, not the selfless acts of kindness and love of strangers – things we must keep in the forefront of our minds at all times.

Staying with that theme I think it goes without saying that the nation would like to thank the brave people who jumped into duty, regardless of their role – bystander, soldier, officer, fire fighter, the rest. You are all heroes and the reason that the world still has hope for the future.

There will be no sensationalism here. The pictures won’t be posted of the aftermath in the streets, or the bust-pics of the lost lives. The killers won’t get that ‘pleasure’. Just a memorial post to remember the good people, the souls they carried, and the families and community members who need our support.

As Americans we must stand united. United in love.

Who has time?

I know – life is busy! Between work, kids, dinner, and everything else, time to read is at an all-time low. But when is your favorite time to read? Before bed, during lunch, or perhaps while the kids are napping?

When you do have time, what do you like to fill it with? Fiction or non-fiction? We would love to hear what reading occupies your time.

Continued happy reading!

Ebooks To Ravage, And Other News

The turn of the year has been exciting for The HIVE. The last two books of the Anaedor Young Adult Fantasy series have gone live (print books to come soon) with an amazing pricing structure, the fourth book in the Vatican Knights series, Pandora’s Ark, is a smash success, four books from renowned author K.W. Jeter are nearly ready to go on sale (Kim Oh series), another great thriller from Rick Jones is nearly ready for upload in Familiar Stranger, and a short horror tale, Frozen, from Rachelle Bronson (The Novel Blog) is going through some edits as we speak. Did you have to come up for air on that one? I know I did.

So, what is in the future for The HIVE? That is a great question! Two more books in The Tombs of Eden series, another in the Vatican Knights series, and potentially more in the Kim Oh series.

Please do not forget to review the titles you feel made an impact on you. The time you spend doing this makes an impact on the author, their writing, and their future.

Do you have something to say? We would love to hear from you. What have you been reading in the past few months? What soundtrack are you currently writing to? When do you have time to read? Fill in the blank —–.

Keep It Flowin’!

While the pun of being busy-bees over here has been implied once or twice, the workload is fast and furious. With the print versions of both The Chronicles of Anaedor: The Prophecies and The Chronicles of Anaedor: The Return to Anaedor by Kristina Schram being complete, The Cydonia Objective from David Sakmyster getting the final OKs in print (for now find it in e-book), as well as the new additions of book two and three of the Vatican Knights series in Shepherd One and The Iscariot Agenda respectively in e-book (print to come next for the four Rick Jones thrillers including The Tombs of Eden) this has been no small feat.  All of this has been accomplished since August of this year.

We are hoping not to be done for 2012. While the end of the year is upon us, more talks are in the works with some pretty high-profile authors for both print and e-book collaborations. Nothing is inked out yet, but the talks are free-flowing.

Being that Thanksgiving is only a day away I would like to thank all of our authors on board, the others who are considering, and the readers who are partaking of this great independent spirit – sharing their thoughts, reviewing the titles (whether it is only a few lines or many), and passing them off to others to enjoy too. Last, but not least: all you supporters behind the scenes, you know who you are. Cheers to all for a safe and happy holiday!

–The Hive

Thanks And Enjoy

On this Veteran’s Day weekend I would just like to send out a quick thanks to all you vets who have, or still do, lay your lives on the line everyday. Without you freedom wouldn’t have the same meaning, nor would it exist. Regardless of whether you are active, reserve, or retired, you all deserve to be treated like royalty. Don’t ever think that doing what you do goes unnoticed.

Take care,

The Hive Collective

And We Progress…

Much has changed since the last post. After only a few short months of being open, there are five – count them – five e-books available now with two more on the way. On top of that, we now have two books in print (just waiting for them to show up at the online vendors like Amazon and Barnes&Noble).

I would like to take a moment to thank the authors who came on board and decided to give this new endeavor a try! I would also like to thank the oodles of readers who have bought our books and supported the cause.

A special request to those of you who are reading this: If you could be so kind as to share this with others, as well as show love to the authors you enjoy by taking a few minutes and writing a quick review for the titles you read. It means more than you realize to everyone that what they are doing is appreciated and has demand. Thank you in advance for your love, likes, and shares!

Here is to a great November for all!

E-books Are Available!

Good day, all,

Please be sure to check out our E-books page where you can view our first two available e-books, with two more in the works (covers and descriptions coming soon) and another beyond that set for release in Fall 2012. And yes – print books will be coming soon through your favorite online distributor.

All of our e-books are available for your Kindle (through, Nook (through and all other readers (through like Sony, Kobo, and Apple, with those direct links to come soon too!

Thanks everyone! Happy reading.


The Hive Is Buzzing…

Good day all,

There is still plenty of work to do, but things are in full swing. We are in talks with award-winning authors, international bestsellers, and writers looking for a better way of doing things from many genres – all coming together to promote and succeed together. Please be sure to go about all of our pages and read-up on what is going on.

Our first electronic title is estimated for release in July with the trade version not too far behind that. Things are moving a lot faster than what we had hoped and we look forward to going through our journey with you.